While this is a mantra for a witch, anyone can use it to call on the power that is within them. Use it every day or as often as you wish to get your soul moving and grooving. Blessed be!
I am one with the universe. I am no-thing and I am everything. I am the stars and the moon the seas and the storms the breath of life the alchemical change the living and the dead. I am!
Are there days when you say to yourself “ Love of my life, where the hell are you”? Of course there are, it’s natural. When you are ready to find the person of your dreams, you want that moment to start right here and now.
Your thoughts unleash your power when it comes to love, so you are always conjuring love. What you think about you bring about. Know that the person you seek is seeking you. At any minute your life can change by the arrival of the one that you have been looking for. Here’s a little love spell for you to cast to unleash more of your love power or if your mind is slipping into a negative place. You can light some candle before you do this, I recommend black or white candles. I am a big fan of black candles since they really absorb the energy that you put into them. Close your eyes and put your hand on your heart. Say 2 x: I am love. I love myself. Dear love of my life, my love vibration has brought you to me spiritually. Physically, you almost here, any minute you shall arrive with no harm coming to you or me by your arrival. I am love. You are love. Together our love is unlimited. I love you, am gratitude for you, divine timing has been put into play. Blessed be. This has now been officially sent out into the universe. Oh la la, the geranium is a not only a popular plant, but has some delicious magickal attributes. Witches love to have a geranium plant or essential oil around to use in spells and for protection. Geranium can help you get your intuitive juice flowing and going.
Geranium Spell A simple spell to get rid of negativity and for a bit of spiritual protection place geranium plants around your home. You can also use a diffuser and fill with authentic geranium oil to release the smell into your home. Visual love and protection around you. Allow the flow of the energy to touch your soul. Blessed be. Want to have more success in your business? Well, here's a simple little spell that you can do by using a floorwash. Now washing your floor can be included in your magick! Floorwashes are a traditional way of casting a spell. Make sure that your floor is already clean before you use the floorwash. When you apply the magickal water to your floor, the effort that you put in brings out your intention in the spell. Let's do this!
In your place of business, whether it is an office space, home office, kitchen, basically any place that you work, use this business floorwash to conjure up more business. Ingredients:
Conjuring: Mix boiling hot water, allspice essential oil, and white vinegar together in a bucket and then use it to wash your floor focusing on your intention and what your heart desires. Don't hold back! Just make sure that you have a focused intention so that the universe can hear it and give you what you want. Your spell is now cast, it is out in the universe. Blessed be. This is an easy spell to help bring more traveling/journey into your life. Get your passport ready!
Magick tools needed: • A small hand held fan • Dish of fresh mint • A small light feather The fan should be a hand held, the kind that you wave. In other words an old school fan, like they use to do in churches or one of those cute Chinese fans. As for the feather, it should be small and light, kind of like the ones from a goose down pillow. When you are ready to conjure, breathe in the smell of mint. Breathe in slowly and take your time. Begin to visualize yourself in different places, seeing different landscapes, places you have always wanted to go. Toss the little feather in the air, and use the fan to blow it around the room. Try to keep it airborne as you see yourself visiting/moving new places in the near future. Eventually, let the feather land in the dish of mint, then take a few more sniffs of the mint to slowly close out of the ritual and bring your energy back in. Repeat this for the whole week, every morning (or night). Don't forget to put an intention into this spell, it is the most important ingredient. Blessed be! I had a resquest for a success spell that would be good for getting a job and bringing in money. I thought I would share it with you since it is quick and easy!
This spell works with one of my favorite goddesses, Lakshmi. This amazing goddess is good to bring in wealth, prosperity, and love on the material and spiritual front. Can it get any better than that?! For this spell all that you need is a pot/small bowl, basil, and your intention. Say these words when you have your basil in the bowl: Great goddess Lakshmi, lady of the moon. Beautiful Lakshmi bless me with success, money, and a boon. Place the pot/bowl by your door so that it goes with the flow of energy coming in and out of your home. Basil has many magickal properties and is great for conjuring in money and abundance. Don't forget that the most important ingredient in the spell is your intent. Blessed be! Before you can have the love that you truly desire and deserve, you must learn to love yourself. There is nothing selfish about loving who you are and being true about what you want. The flower power of roses, hibiscus, and calendulas can stimulate your senses and vibration for self-love, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness.
When y0u add the flowers to your surroundings focus on an intention of self-l0ve. This magick will be released into the universe as you tap into your power. Blessed be! Magickal Mantra: I get out what I put in. I co-create the love and light in my life.
This mantra is a little reminder that you are the one in control of your destiny. Everything in your life is what you have created with the universe. Say this mantra to yourself as a way to stay true to your intention every day. Whether you are looking for love or making major changes, you are the queen of your own castle. You go girl, remember to stay true to you in all that you do. Your magickal life is waiting! This spell is not only fun, but it's delicious. Next time you want to perform some kitchen magick, I recommend this one. It's also a wonderful spell for your coven of girlfriends if you all want to conjure some of the same things. Let me know what kind of yummy and magickal cakes you make.
Ingredients for spell
Follow the directions for making the cake according to the package or recipe. As you mix the ingredients, focus on the intention for the spell and imagine it going into the batter. If you desire, add food coloring to the mixture so that it matches your intention such as green for money, red for passion/love, etc. Stir the batter clockwise if you goal is to attract something to you or to stimulate abundance. Stir counterclockwise to limit or remove something. Pour the batter into the pan(s) and bake according to the directions. After the cake has cooled, use the color of icing that relates to your intention. Add the number of candles that corresponds with your goal (2 is for love, five for change, etc.). Now light the candles and focus on your intention. Blow them out and eat some cake. Share the cake with anyone who may have have a similar goal. Blessed be! Magickal Items Needed: 13 daisy petals Lavender petals Pinch of cinnamon Cheesecloth Pink or red candle If you want to improve your flirting skills, take this bath before you head out for an evening of fun and frolic. Place the daisy and lavender petals and a pinch of cinnamon in the cheesecloth bag. Choose a pink candle for romance or a red one to ignite passion. Daisies represent innocent love, while the cinnamon adds a touch of spice. Light your candle and fill the tub. Place the cheesecloth bag filled with petals and spice in into the bath and let them diffuse in the water. After you climb in, chill and visualize the kind of lover you want. Don’t use soap or any other bath products during this bath. When you’re ready to get out, snuff out the candle with wet fingers. Do not rinse off, but simply towel dry. The magick from bath will stay with you all night. Go get ‘em girl!
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